Yasmin Dhar, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Specialist

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Hip Impingement (FAI)
What is femoroacetabular impingement?
Femoroacetabular impingement (as known as “FAI”) is a condition where bone spurs develop around the ball or socket portion of the hip joint causing the two bone of the hip to rub against each other, rather than to move smoothly. Over time, this can result in the tearing of the labrum and breakdown of articular cartilage. There are different types depending on where in the hip the extra bone forms (i.e. the acetabulum, the femoral neck or both).
Who is more prone to FAI?
People who are active and exercise, especially in a crouched-down position, may experience pain earlier, however exercise does not cause FAI. Usually, FAI is caused by the bones forming a certain way during the childhood growing phase.
What are the symptoms of FAI?
Most people experience groin pain that becomes a sharp, stabbing pain with twisting or rotating the hip. If you have ongoing symptoms, a physician should perform a physical examination and further studies, like X-ray or MRI, may be needed.
How do you treat FAI?
If your symptoms are stemming from FAI and do not improve with conservative measures (i.e. NSAIDs, physical therapy, injection), an arthroscopic hip surgery may be needed to trim the bony rim of the acetabulum or shave down the bump on the femoral head. Some severe cases may require an open operation with a larger incision.

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